Thursday, 1 May 2014

What is the weather like?

What is the weather like in Brunei? What is happening at the moment because there is no rain? Is it always hot? Do we have seasons? Why not?


  1. Brunei is a very hot and humid country because we our equator is very close to our country and becuase our country is tropical. So lately we have been having frequent bush fires happening.

    1. Have there been any bush fires near you?
      If so were you worried or frightened by them?
      How were they controlled?

    2. hornbill shabanta7 May 2014 at 17:17

      Yes though we weren't frightened and they were controlled by the bomba( the fire fighters).

    3. hornbill Jayson7 May 2014 at 17:19

      No there weren't any bush fires near us.we weren't quite scared.

    4. hornbill Kavya7 May 2014 at 17:24

      Yes lately we have been having bush fires in our forests but we our not that scared because it is being dealt with by the Bomba(fire brigade in Brunei)by putting out the fires with the hose and also from the army force getting giant gallons of buckets poured from helicopters.

    5. Hornbill Monica7 May 2014 at 17:28

      There have been bush fires here lately, we weren’t frightened of them but there has been a lot of smoke coming near where we live. The fire is being controlled by Bomba(the fire fighters)and helicopters.

    6. Hornbill Yukio7 May 2014 at 17:39

      It didn’t really frighten us because it wasn't near us though it was very smoky.

    7. Zak Eastwood BPS Do you ever get thunder and lighting?

    8. Calvin Andrews BPS When it rains, does it rain for long?

    9. hornbill Ishant8 May 2014 at 17:08

      Hi Calvin, when it rains it does not always rain for long, most of the time
      it rains for quite a while

    10. Austin Hornbill8 May 2014 at 17:15

      We had thunder and lightning last night in Brunei and the last few week's.

  2. In Borneo we have monsoon rain which means between November to February there is heavy rain and loud thunder coming down. Because of this the drains rapidly fill up and people have to stay inside their homes due to a probable chance of flooding. When this happens it makes driving much more dangerous. It also makes it hard to see where you are going

  3. The weather here is very hot and humid because Brunei is very close to the equator and is a tropical country,the season here is mostly summer. From November to February it is rainy season.

  4. Austin and Finn4 May 2014 at 22:11

    In Brunei the weather is very humid it is also extremely hot.Brunei is also rainy it floods once in a while.

  5. Yukio & Anmol4 May 2014 at 22:14

    Brunei has very hot weather but there is also a lot of rain. We only have 2 seasons that is a rainy season and a hot season. Brunei is also near the equator that’s why it is hot in Brunei.

  6. In Brunei it is very hot and humid the normal temperature is about 35’c because we are a tropical country and we are near the equator.

  7. Jenish and Ishant4 May 2014 at 22:14

    The weather in Brunei is humid and is very hot. During the year, we only have two seasons. They are the monsoon (rainy) and the hot season. The average temperature in Brunei is 26.1 degrees Celsius. In October to December the temperature is 23.8 degrees Celsius.

  8. There has been forest fires and monsoons latley. When there are fires its always really hot and smokey. When there are monsoons the tv never works and the electricity sometimes turns off.

  9. emma you are right there has been forest fires lately.

  10. We have two seasons which are rainy and dry season. In the rainy season it rains heavily for almost every day.

  11. we have at least 2 seasons in brunei like raining season and dry season. When it's raining season it normaly rains heavely sometimes it rains the whole day. Also at dry season it's blazing hot.

  12. In the dry season they are forest fire by the blasting heat. And we get relentless for rain.

  13. Hornbill Jayson7 May 2014 at 17:27

    The weather in brunei is really hot but sometimes it rains.

  14. Hornibill Yukio7 May 2014 at 17:33

    In November-March it’s a rainy season.

  15. Hornbill Luke7 May 2014 at 17:35

    In Brunei we get lots of heat and sometimes in the year it rains e.g. in monsoon. it would rain a lot sometimes it would flood like one day when I was coming back from school It flooded up to my knees.

  16. Hornbill Khaled7 May 2014 at 17:36

    There has been a lot of bush fires lately because Brunei is so close to the equator that you could boil an egg. We are not frightened of the forest fire because the fire fighters are controlling the fire and also that 7-flight (army helicopters are dumping big buckets of water on the fires to put them out.

  17. Hornbill Jack Andrews8 May 2014 at 17:15

    It does not rain for long but it is very heavy and there is thunder and lightning.

  18. Jenny BPS Have you ever been out when it rains?

  19. Bps Alfie and Mabel does it rain alot in you contriey
